Boohoo new customer care phone number

Contact Boohoo through their new customer care phone number. (click to call from mobile)

Number removed. Boohoo does not operate a customer services telephone service. Best way to contact Boohoo seems to be facebook or their email: .

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Comments ( 4 )

  • Says my dress ass come 3days ago, i need it in 4 days for my birthday and i cannot get intouch via phone this is very silly i need this dress!

  • Pointless to call, this number isnt CS they just tell you to contact online! It comes through to a reception Tried twice now and got told there not even based at the same place and theres literally NO telephone staff. The only thing they said which worked is to contact on facebook otherwise you have to wait within 24 hours for the email reply which is too long!

  • Orderd 2 dresses after 9 oclock on wed night for next day deliver useing code high20 still not come really needed them for this evenings. Is there any thing you could do plz

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